Rules of Engagement

CP Solar Whatsapp Group Rules of Engagement

Dear Clients and Colleagues, by adhering to these rules of engagement, our whatsapp group can foster a positive and productive environment for sharing knowledge and ideas related to the relevant Solar PV System or related topic that we share an interest on:

  • Respect everyone’s opinions and perspectives.
  • Any disagreements should be handled in a respectful and professional manner. Avoid personal attacks or offensive language.
  • Opinions and perspectives shared in the group should be considered for discussion purposes only, be reviewed and agreed and not for immediate implementation or action unless otherwise stated
  • Back up your opinions with facts and reliable references whenever possible.
  • Confidentiality should be respected. Do not share information that could compromise the security or privacy of individuals or of CP Solar.
  • Any news or alerts shared should be from reliable& sources and not just rumours or unverified information “forwards” that are not confirmed at the point of this post.
  • All posts should be related to the CP Solar PV System or related topic. Posts about personal or unrelated topics should be avoided and will be removed if deemed unnecessary
  • Group members should be courteous and responsive to each other’s messages, keeping in mind that everyone has busy schedules. With this in mind, reading a post without reacting or replying causes stress.
  • Direct Messaging should be used carefully either with the other members consent or if an existing relationship exists.
  • If members start a discussion within a subset of the group and the discussion starts to get long then they should consider whether the discussion could be seen as spam by other members and move the discussion into a separate limited discussion or offline
  • Admin will block and/or report users (within 24 hours of the post) who direct posts within the group which we believe are or reported to be:
    • Abusive or obscene
    • Graphic, sensitive or offensive imagery
    • Deceptive or misleading
    • In violation of any intellectual property rights
    • In violation of any law or regulation
    • Spam (persistent negative and/or abusive tweeting in which the aim is to provoke a response)

Kwa kuzingatia sheria hizi za ushiriki, kikundi kinaweza kukuza mazingira chanya na yenye tija ya kubadilishana maarifa na mawazo yanayohusiana na mada husika ya HSE ambayo tunashiriki maslahi kwayo:

  • Heshimu maoni na mitazamo ya kila mtu.
  • Mizozo yoyote inapaswa kushughulikiwa kwa heshima na kitaalamu. Epuka mashambulizi ya kibinafsi au lugha ya kuudhi.
  • Maoni na mitazamo inayoshirikiwa katika kikundi inapaswa kuzingatiwa kwa madhumuni ya majadiliano tu, kupitiwa upya na kukubaliwa na sio kwa utekelezaji wa haraka au hatua isipokuwa imeelezwa vinginevyo.
  • Hifadhi nakala ya maoni yako kwa ukweli na marejeleo ya kuaminika inapowezekana.
  • Usiri unapaswa kuheshimiwa. Usishiriki maelezo ambayo yanaweza kuhatarisha usalama au faragha ya watu binafsi au ya CP Solar.
  • Habari au arifa zozote zinazoshirikiwa zinapaswa kutoka kwa vyanzo vya kuaminika na sio tu uvumi au habari ambayo haijathibitishwa “wasambazaji” ambayo haijathibitishwa katika hatua ya chapisho hili.
  • Machapisho yote yanapaswa kuhusishwa na CP Solar HSE. Machapisho kuhusu mada za kibinafsi au zisizohusiana yanapaswa kuepukwa na yataondolewa ikiwa yataonekana kuwa sio lazima
  • Wanakikundi wanapaswa kuwa na adabu na kuitikia ujumbe wa kila mmoja wao, wakikumbuka kwamba kila mtu ana ratiba zenye shughuli nyingi. Kwa kuzingatia hili, kusoma chapisho bila kujibu au kujibu husababisha mafadhaiko.
  • Ujumbe wa Moja kwa Moja unapaswa kutumiwa kwa uangalifu ama kwa idhini ya wanachama wengine au ikiwa uhusiano uliopo upo.
  • Iwapo washiriki wataanza majadiliano ndani ya kikundi kidogo na majadiliano yakaanza kuwa marefu basi wanapaswa kuzingatia kama majadiliano yanaweza kuonekana kama barua taka na wanachama wengine na kuupeleka mjadala katika mjadala mdogo tofauti au nje ya mtandao.
  • Msimamizi atazuia na/au kuripoti watumiaji (ndani ya saa 24 baada ya kuchapisha) wanaoelekeza machapisho ndani ya kikundi ambayo tunaamini kuwa ni au yameripotiwa kuwa:
    • Matusi au machafu
    • Taswira ya mchoro, nyeti au ya kukera
    • Kudanganya au kupotosha
    • Katika ukiukaji wa haki miliki yoyote
    • Kwa kukiuka sheria au kanuni yoyote
    • Barua taka (kutuma ujumbe hasi na/au wa matusi unaoendelea ambapo lengo ni kuibua majibu)

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